Examination page

Case1: 62 year old patient with hypertension. Investigated for a possible secondary cause

Case 2: 65 year old male with pain chest radiating to back since few days ,more severe since few hours. h/o DM and hypertension +ve. No h/o fever /trauma/sweating. ECG –non specific.

Case 3: A 28 year old male

  • H/O cough and difficulty in breathing since 10 days.

  • More since two days .

  • Screening echo showed mild RV dilatation and shadow in RV ? THROMBUS.

  • CTPA-advised.

Case 4:

52 Year old male

  • Vague abdominal pain in right upper quadrant since 6 months.

  • No h/o fever or vomiting.

  • Cholelithiasis on USG done elsewhere.

Case 5: 15 year old child, underweight and not active in sports. He has a cough with the expectoration. Chest frontal views and the CT images are provided.

Case 6: 18 year male with chest pain and dyspnoea on exertion. Plain radiography of the chest, contrast-enhanced CT images of the thorax and follow-up studies are provided.

Case 7

This is a 60-year-old male presented with angina. Frontal radiograph of the chest is provided. Subsequently patient was investigated with a CT chest as a preoperative routine procedure for CABG.

Case 8

Middle-aged lady with the backache and fever. Non-contrast enhanced CT images are provided.

Case 9: 39 year-old male patient had initial respiratory infection, subsequently developed weakness of the right upper and lower limb and headache. CT and MR images are provided.

Case 10:50-year-old male patient with the severe leg pain.

Case 11: 40-year-old female with severe epigastric and abdominal pain. MR imaging of the abdomen is provided

Case 12:65-year-old lady with a progressive swelling in the painless lower leg, investigated with plain radiography and the MRI.

Case13: 22-year-old male with a history of injury to the knee

Case 14: 22-year-old male with a facial deformity and nasal block. CT images are provided

Case 15: 60 old lady with left hip pain, inability to bear weight; Underwent joint replacement

Case 16:45-year-old male patient with hearing difficulty in the right ear. CT and MR evaluation of the skull base are provided.

Case 17:

Case 18 :

Case 19 :

Case 20 :