MSK -Trauma

Case 3: 3-month-old infant with the hypotonia and lethargy. Child cries incessantly.

Case 4: Chest AP and lateral radiograph of a child investigated for stridor

Case 6: Two radiographs of the leg and thigh in a 3-month-old girl.

Case 11: An adult with a history of trauma.

Case 12: A neonate with multiple limb deformities.

Case 13: This is a 10-year-old male with leg pain.

Case 16: 7-year-old child with a history of painful elbow following a fall.

Case 18: 2-month-old infant, continuously crying and irritable. Limited movements of the lower limbs.

Case 19: Adolescent female with a waddling gait

Case 20: 14-year-old male, active football player, presents with the knee pain after a kick

Case 21: Painful elbow, frontal and lateral views.

Case 30: 5-year-old child with a fall on an outstretched hand.

Case 40 : An adult with a shoulder injury.

Case 41 : 10-month-old child had a history of minor fall a few months ago, presently limping

Case 57 : 5-yr boy with H/O trauma, painfil knee swelling and inability to bear weight on the leg

Case 58 : 8 yr old syndromic child with leg pain

Case 62 : Involved in a road traffic accident, limping

Case 67 : 20-yr-male with history of fall, painful wrist.

Case 68 : Adult male with tender right parietal swelling. H/o similar swelling once before which had resolved sponaneously

Case 71 : 8-yr-child limping following trauma

Case 76 : Child with h/o trauma to the elbow and post trauma stiffenss on eblow movements.

Case 82 : 40-yr-adult with painful limitation of shoulder abduction.

Case 83 : 12-yr-child with H/O knee trauma.

Case 86 : Extremity trauma series

Case 89: 20-yr-male with right soulder pain

Case 90 : 14-yr-fmale presented with sudden onset pain and swelling over right posterior shoulder