GIT - Cong - Develop

Case 4: 3-year old child poor eating habits and failure to thrive.

Case 5: 3-month child presenting with abdominal distention and passing bowel once in 4-5 days

Case 6: Frontal radiograph of by 1-month-old newborn

Case 9: 6-year old with constipation, occasional loose motion since birth. Normal general examination. 

Case 11: 73-year male with swallowing difficulty.. 

Case 20: Two radiographs of a 6-month-old child is provided.

Case 22: 18-month-old child, investigated for gastro-oesophageal reflux.

Case 23: 8-month-male with dysphagia and recurrent heartburn.

Case24: 1-month-old child with bouts of coughing while feeding.

Case 29: This 25-year-old lady presented with the abnormality of sonography 

Case 33: 8-month-old child with direct hyperbilirubinemia

Case 34: 2-month old with projectile vomiting.

Case 35: Term neonate with respiratory distress; Known to have CHD

Case 37: Neonate with abdominal distension and failure to pass meconeum

Casr38: Preterm with inactivity and abdominal distension.

Case 42 : 38-yr-male with right flank pain

Case 43 :31-yr-male with intermittent episodes of vomiting

Case 49 : Newborn with projectile vomitting.

Case 51 : 8-yr -old female with abdominal discomfort follwing meals

Case 54 :2 yr-old child with poor eating and regurgitation

Case 55 : Neonate with H/O scanty meconeum, abdominal distension.

Case 56 : 6-moth child, failure to thrive, hypotonia and adbominal distension.

Case 63 : Observations on esophagography done to exclude GER.

Case 64 : 4-yr-old with irregular bowel habits.

Case68 : 6-yr-old with recurrent abdominal pain and suspected vague abdominal mass.

Case 71: 7-yr-old female with constipations and urinary disturbances.

Case 72 : 3-month-male child incidently detected to have a palpable, nontender lower abdominal mass. 

Case 73 : 13-yr-old male with losse stools, abdominal pain and multiple joint pains.

Case 78 : 2-yr-female with abdominal pain and jaundice. 

Case 85 : 12-yr-female had incidental hepatomegaly.

Case 86 : 10-yr-old female,incidental observation on a sonography

Case 87 : Neonate brought to the hospital with repeated projectile bilious vomiting

Case 88: 65-yr-female with loose stools and bilious vomiting

Case 90 : 27-yr-old male with H/O upper abdominal blunt injury