GIT -Intestinal
Case 1: Normal variations of bowel gas
Case 2: 8-year male with nonspecific abdominal pain.
Case 3: 10-year male with lower abdominal pain, vomiting.
Case 5: 3-month child presenting with abdominal distention and passing bowel once in 4-5 days
Case 6: Frontal radiograph of by 1-month-old newborn
Case 7: 9-year old female with intermittent fever, loss of appetite and abdominal pain.
Case 8: 15-year male, abdominal pain, alternating constipation and diarrhoea.
Case 10: 48-year male with lower abdominal pain, loss of weight.
Case 12: Adult male with intermittent diarrhea and crampy abdomen.
Case 14: 6-months old child with the persistent, projectile vomiting.
Case 18: 30-yr male , h/o blunt injury abdomen
Case 20: Two radiographs of a 6-month-old child is provided.
Case 30: 3-year-old with a history of foreign body ingestion.
Case 32: 57-year-old lady with a history of irregular bowel habits and abdominal distension.
Case 38: Preterm with inactivity and abdominal distension.
Case 41 :45 yr-male presented with fever, anemia and abdominal pain
Case 43 :31-yr-male with intermittent episodes of vomiting
Case 44 :11-yr-male with abdominal pain and RIF lump.
Case 48 : 52 yr-old male with abdominal pain, distension. Known case of AF.
Case 52 : 8 yr-male with bloating after eating, occational vomiting and alternating constipation
Case 55 : Neonate with H/O scanty meconeum, abdominal distension.
Case 58 : 25-yr-male with sudden onset abdominal pain.
Case 61 : 30-yr-old male with abdominal pain,vomoting and RIF mass
Case 63 : Observations on esophagography done to exclude GER.
Case 67 : Incidental observations on abdomial radiography
Case68 : 6-yr-old with recurrent abdominal pain and suspected vague abdominal mass.
Case 69 : Neonate with vprojectile ,vomiting after meals.
Case 70 : 15-yr-old female with abdominal pain and a suprapubic mass.
Case 71: 7-yr-old female with constipations and urinary disturbances.
Case 75 : 3-yr-old child involved in a RTA
Case 80 : 26-yr-old female with abdominal pain and distention for 10 days.
Case 84 : 10-yr-old child with abdominal pain
Case 87 : Neonate brought to the hospital with repeated projectile bilious vomiting
Case 88: 65-yr-female with loose stools and bilious vomiting