Welcome to the World 


comprehensive Imaging

By    Venkatraman Bhat

     Exploration and Revisiting the long journey in Radiology by Images & Case studies

    Welcome to the Image home of Dr. Venkatraman Bhat

This website allows you into my imaging journey in radiology via my archived imaging collections. These images are mostly my personal encounters: cases either investigated by me or that have passed through me for an opinion (with few exceptions). Here you can go through a large collection of conventional and current radiology images collected over a period of more than four decades. I have tried classifying cases under headings to ease your searching process. This work is intended to enrich radiology training, and as a way for me to share my experiences. I hope this project will meet its desired end. This is a 'work in evolution'. An attempt is made to thank the collaborators and resources. Explore the site for an interesting range of cases and diagnoses in the background of soulful music.

    This work is dedicated to my teachers, mentors, supportive colleagues, well wishers, students and supportive family

Sincere thanks and acknowledgements to all the institutions which allowed me to be part of their imaging services and enrich me with vast clinical material 





Head Neck





Image Art

Intro Radiology.pdf

  Imaging Introduction

Venkatraman Bhat

Role of Radiology in Pediatric Emergencies web.ppsx

Radiology in Ped. Emergency

Venkatraman Bhat

CNS malformations Modified1.pdf

   Pediatric Neuroimaging

Venkatraman Bhat

Radiation Protection.pdf

   Radiation Protection

Venkatraman Bhat

Callosal anomalies.pdf

Commissural Anomalies

Venkatraman Bhat

SRIRANJINI Signs in Radiology-dr.sriranjini A.pptx

Signs in Radiology

Dr. Sri Ranjini and Dr. Bhat

What to Expect from the Website

Vast exposure to conventional and current  Radiology images

Selective exposure to Nuclear medicine studies

Go through collections, relevant discussions under category

Prepare for radiology examination

Spend your time in reading a 'blog like' radiology collection  and some image arts with classical music

Basic Science pearls1.pdf

Pearls in Nuclear Medicine

Dr. Raghuveer Halkar

Cases can be visualized under the following provided categories. To derive maximum benefit, I recommend viewing an image, analyzing it, and noting down your observations before moving on to the description or answer. Answers to the unknown cases will be provided in stages, one to one discussion will be a priviledge of my students during the direct sessions.