MSK -Metabolic- Marrow disease
Case 2: 8-month old child with protuberant abdomen and hypotonia
Case 2: 8-month old child with protuberant abdomen and hypotonia
Case 9: This is another 4-year-old with anaemia, on treatment for a known disease.
Case 22: 8-month-old child with the gait abnormality.
Case 25: 18-month-old child, hypotonic. not walking and history of a urinary recurrent UTI.
Case 28: This is a 7-year-old child with a history of hereditory disorder.
Case 32: 7-year-old male with a growth retardation, painful limbs and hepatosplenomegaly.
Case 41 : 10-month-old child had a history of minor fall a few months ago, presently limping
Case 45: Irritabiity and lower limb weakness
Case 52: Skeletal survery perfomed with a family history of a genetic disorder
Case 61 : 6 yr male with recurrent URTI, lymphadeonathy and bone pains
Case 88: 19-yr-old male,known case of thalassemia, BMT and multiple transfusions