US Miscellaneous
Case 24 : 29-yr-female, evaluated an antenatal scan at 18weeks
Case 25 : Anomaly scan at 26 weeks.
Case 28 : A 55-year-old female with leg ischaemia, underwent sonography of the lower limbs.
Case 30 : 32-yr-male with backache, bone pains and uteteic colic.
Case 37 : Neonate with a large head, investgated with a screening sonography.
Case 40 : 20-yr-primigravida, 32 week scan
Case 41 : 22-yr-female, eager to conceive, regular menustrual cycles.
Case 42 : 2-yr-female with abdominal pain and jaundice.
Case 26: Child with chest pain, dyspnoea and fever.
Case 57 : 5-yr boy with H/O trauma, painfil knee swelling and inability to bear weight on the leg
Case 39: Midline line swelling at the suprasternal notch
Case 42: Painful swelling in right parotid region after dental extraction.
Case 64 :Term Neonate, white reflux in the right eye.
Case 73 : 9-yr-child with painless swelling in right parotid region