GIT - Infection - Trauma

       Case 3: 10-year male with lower abdominal pain, vomiting. 

Case 7: 9-year old female with intermittent fever, loss of appetite and abdominal pain.

Case 8: 15-year male, abdominal pain, alternating constipation and diarrhoea.

Case 10: 48-year male with lower abdominal pain, loss of weight.

Case 12: Adult male with intermittent diarrhea and crampy abdomen.

Case 15: 36-year-old female investigated for an observation on upper abdominal ultrasound.

Case 16: 42-year male with lower abdominal pain. Known to have chronic pancreatitis.

Case 17: Adult male with recurrent epigastric pain and backache.

Case 18: 30-yr male , h/o blunt injury abdomen

Case 26: 20-year-old male who had a history of ingestion of corrosives. Patient had a esophageal stricture and dilatation 

Case 32: 57-year-old lady with a history of irregular bowel habits and abdominal distension. 

Casr38: Preterm with inactivity and abdominal distension. 

Case 45 :24-yr-female with an abominal lump since 6 months.

Case 46 : 48-yr-male, known case of pancreatitis presenting with epigastric pain. 

Case 47: 80-yr-male with fever,vomiting and right upper abdomianal pain

Case 52 : 8 yr-male with bloating after eating, occational vomiting and alternating constipation 

Case 57 : 57-yr-old female with lower abdominla pain, Left adnexal cyst on USG.

Case 59 : 52-yr-old male with right upper abdominal pain

Case 61 : 30-yr-old male with abdominal pain,vomoting and RIF mass

Case 72 : 3 -month-male child incidently detected to have a palpable, nontender lower abdominal mass.

Case 74 : 6-month-old with abdominal distention and alterating constipation since birth.

Case 75 : 3-yr-old child involved in a RTA 

Case 79 : 27-yr-old female with 2-day h/o abdominal pain. 

Case 82 : Adult female with recurrent abdominal pain and irregular bowel habits. 

Case 84 : 10-yr-old child with abdominal pain 

Case 89 : 34-yr-old female with post LSCS abdominal distension. 

Case 92 : 26 yr-old male with acuate abdominal pain.