US- Gastro-Intestinal
Case 10: Term neonate with a distended abdomen.
Case 12: 6-month-old child with a distended abdomen. Gross hepatomegaly on clinical examination.
Case 13: 2-months newborn with projectile vomiting.
Case18: Adolescent male, overweight with upper abdominal discomfort.
Case 19: 8-month-old male with direct hyperbilirubinemia, on long term intravenous alimentation.
Case 21 : A 14-year-old female had a lower right quadrant pain of 2 weeks duration
Case 26 : Routine screening sonography of abdomen in a neonate.
Case 27 : 2-month boy with ingunoscrotal swelling
Case 29 : 3-month old chid with progressively increasing direct bilirubinemia
Case 31 : 27-yr-old male with cough, hemoptysis suspected to be koch's.
Case 33 : 7-yr-old child with abdominal pain and a vague central abdominal mass.
Case 34 : 3-month-child with upper abdominal mass.
Case 34 : Neonate incidently discovered to have a lower abdominal mass.
Case 47 : 6-month-male with distendended abdomen, hepatomegaly.